Evaluating the Need for Jaw Surgery

Dental Surgery

Your orthodontist and oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) will work together to determine whether you might benefit from surgery. The OMS determines which surgical procedures are appropriate and performs the surgery. It is important to understand that your treatment, which will probably include orthodontics before and after surgery, may take a few years to complete. Your OMS and orthodontist understand that this is a significant, long-term commitment for you and your family. They will give you a realistic estimate of the time required for your treatment.

Corrective surgery may reposition all or part of the upper jaw, lower jaw and chin. After you have explored all options, you and your team will determine the treatment plan that is best for you.

Enjoy the Benefits

Corrective jaw surgery moves your teeth and jaws into positions that are more balanced, functional and healthy. Although the goal of this surgery is to improve your bite and function, some patients also experience enhancements to their appearance and speech. The results of corrective jaw surgery can have a dramatic and positive effect on many aspects of your life.


Article Courtesy of AAOMS, https://myoms.org/

All procedures performed at Pottstown Oral Surgery can be done under general or local anesthesia. Click here to learn more about us.