Wisdom Teeth Removal in Teenagers

Patients often ask their oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) if it’s necessary to have all four wisdom teeth extracted even though the teeth might not yet be visible inside the mouth or they have erupted without any known problems. The decision can be difficult. Even if all four wisdom teeth are free of infection and not causing pain – […]

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Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that generally come in between the ages of 17 and 25. These four teeth are generally the last to emerge in adults, but what does it mean for wisdom teeth to be “impacted?” Impacted wisdom teeth are those that do not have room to develop normally or […]

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Dry Socket Symptoms

While some pain is to be expected following the removal of any teeth, dry socket symptoms typically include severe pain within a few days after a tooth extraction. Other symptoms include: Pain radiating from the socket outward – toward the eye, ear, neck or temple on that side of the face Visible bone in the socket Bad […]

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