Obstructive Sleep Apnea Surgery

  Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious and even life-threatening condition. The risks of undiagnosed OSA include heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart disease and decreased libido. In addition, OSA causes daytime drowsiness that can result in accidents, lost productivity and relationship problems. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that 18 million […]

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Nutrition After OMS Surgery

Nutrition refers to the intake of nourishment, specifically the fluids and fuel needed to survive. After oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures, nutrient needs increase to help bodies heal. Consuming needed nutrients may be particularly challenging for patients recovering from oral and maxillofacial surgery as surgical incisions in or around the mouth and postoperative swelling can […]

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Are Dental Implants Permanent?

Missing teeth are more than a cosmetic inconvenience – they affect a person’s day-to-day life and leave people looking for a permanent solution. Are dental implants permanent? While every patient is unique, it is clear dental implants offer the most permanent solution for missing teeth. After more than 35 years of service, many of the dental implants […]

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